Prediabetes 101

Understanding Prediabetes

Hey there, health enthusiasts! Welcome to this special blog post inspired by the So Frickin Healthy podcast. Danna and Megan are here to take you on a journey through the exciting, albeit slightly daunting world of prediabetes. So buckle up, and let's dive into some juicy knowledge nuggets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prediabetes is often undiagnosed, with 8 out of 10 people unaware of their condition.

  • Lifestyle changes can effectively reverse prediabetes before it progresses to type 2 diabetes.

  • Blood tests, such as fasting glucose and A1C, are crucial for diagnosing prediabetes.

  • High-fiber and high-protein foods are essential in managing blood sugar levels effectively.

  • Regular monitoring and awareness of your body's signals can empower better health choices.

  • Small, manageable changes to diet and activity can lead to significant health improvements.

Kicking Off Diabetes Awareness Month

With November being Diabetes Awareness Month, your hosts, Danna Levy Hoffmann and Megan J. McCrory, are here to drop some wisdom bombs about prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. The goal is simple: to bring awareness and help you better understand these conditions, even if they run in your family like they do for Danna.

The Prequel to Diabetes: What Prediabetes Means

Imagine prediabetes as the teaser trailer for a movie you really don't want to see: type 2 diabetes. It’s like a flashing sign telling you that your body isn't enjoying what you're doing to it. Your blood sugar is higher than normal but not yet in the type 2 diabetes range. Megan explains that prediabetes is reversible with lifestyle changes! That's right; you have the power to steer your health back in the right direction. But what exactly should you do?

Testing and Diagnosing Prediabetes

Ever heard of the A1C test? It might sound like a secret spy operation, but it's actually a simple blood test that shows your average blood sugar levels over the past three months. The goal is to catch prediabetes early so you can make changes before things get serious.

Busting Myths about Prediabetes

Some folks think prediabetes isn’t a big deal or that they'll feel obvious symptoms. Spoiler alert: that’s not always true. Prediabetes often sneaks around unnoticed, which means regular testing is crucial for early detection. It’s much better to know sooner rather than later.

Getting Down to Business: Lifestyle Changes

Let’s talk about some action steps. When you're diagnosed with prediabetes, you don’t need to go on a radical juice cleanse or hit the gym for five hours a day. It’s about small, manageable changes. Start with these three focus areas: diet, exercise, and stress management.

Diet: Eat more whole foods and fewer processed goodies. Megan suggests foods high in fiber and protein because they're harder to digest, which keeps your blood sugar steady. Think whole grains, fruits, veggies, beans, and lean proteins.

Exercise: A simple 10-minute walk after meals can make a massive difference. It’s not about becoming a marathon runner overnight but adding movement to your day in a way that fits your life.

Stress Management: Finding ways to chill out is just as important as eating greens. Maybe it's yoga for you or a simple deep-breathing exercise. Whatever it is, stress less for a happier pancreas!

Listener Q&A with Danna and Megan

Danna and Megan answered some listener questions, and here's a standout:

Is prediabetes a guaranteed trip to type 2 diabetes?

Short answer: No, but it could be if changes aren’t made. It’s all about shifting gears and steering away from current habits contributing to high blood sugar.

Another gem? Consider doing a food audit!

This fun (yes, fun!) exercise involves writing down what you eat without changing a thing. Seeing it all laid out can be eye-opening and the first step towards a healthier diet.

Taking Control of Your Health

Danna and Megan remind us that understanding and managing your health is empowering—and totally within reach. If you're diagnosed with prediabetes, know that you already have the tools to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

Let’s Wrap It Up

So, the takeaway here is: know your numbers, make small changes, and remember that every day is a fresh start. This post is just the beginning; check out Megan's continuation of the conversation in her "Prevent T2" podcast for more tips and support or her prediabetes support group on Facebook. Until next time, keep being so frickin' healthy and take control of your wellbeing.

Stay awesome!

Prevent T2 podcast cover art, blue text on orange background

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes then check out this free lifestyle change program with curriculum from the CDC.


More Episodes for you to check out…


The Prediabetes Diet - What to Eat


The Simple Science of Keto Explained ft. Ben Nordemann