Date Smarter, Not Harder: Kelly Brändli’s Guide to Healthy Relationships

In a recent episode of the So Frickin’ Healthy podcast, hosts Megan J. McCrory and Danna Levy Hoffmann were joined by Kelly Brändli, a scientific dating and relationship coach and professional matchmaker. Kelly shared her profound insights into the intricacies of love, relationships, and the significance of self-awareness and emotional health in fostering long-term connections.

Meet Kelly Brandli: Scientific Dating and Relationship Coach

Kelly introduces herself and provides a brief overview of her journey. Originating from Vancouver, Canada, she recounts the romantic story that brought her to Switzerland, which although ended in tragedy, led her to find her true calling in relationship coaching.

The 96 Dates Experiment

One of the standout moments in the episode is Kelly's recounting of the 96 dates she undertook as part of her self-discovery process after a significant breakup. With a hint of humor and a lot of insights, she explains how this experiment wasn't just about finding "The One", but rather understanding herself and what she truly needed in a partner.

Attachment Styles and Dating

Kelly touches upon the topic of attachment styles - a concept that explains how individuals form emotional bonds and relationships. She highlights the importance of recognizing one's attachment style to avoid unhealthy patterns and to foster better relationship dynamics.

The Importance of Self-Discovery

In the episode, Kelly emphasizes the need for individuals to be at peace with themselves before seeking a partner.

"You need to become the one before you find the one"

she states, underlining the significance of self-love and emotional health.

Navigating Post-Divorce Relationships

Kelly also shares strategies for people who have experienced divorce or significant relationship breakups. She discusses the importance of letting go of past relationships and moving forward with greater self-awareness and emotional readiness.

The Harvard Study and Blue Zones

An intriguing discussion on the correlation between relationships and health ensues as Megan brings up the Harvard study and the Blue Zones research. These studies reveal that strong relationships and community ties are pivotal for long-term health and longevity.

The Role of Love Languages

A fascinating segment of the episode revolves around the concept of love languages. Kelly explains how understanding and communicating in each other's love languages can bridge gaps in relationships and create stronger bonds. The conversation is both enlightening and relatable, as Megan and Danna share personal anecdotes about their own relationships.

Emotional Baggage and Moving On

Kelly introduces her emotional baggage quiz, a tool she uses to help individuals assess and address the emotional baggage they carry from past relationships. The quiz is designed to help individuals clear their emotional slate before entering new relationships.

Funny, smart, So Frickin' Healthy. This podcast episode with Kelly Brandli offers invaluable lessons in love, relationships, and personal growth, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their romantic life and emotional well-being.

Download your copy of Kelly’s free guide "How to Attract Emotionally Available Men" here.


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